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Richard Mille Replica Watches was at the BFI to promote her latest film, A Private War, a biopic about the war correspondent Marie Colvin. Richard Mille Replica Watches said she wanted to do the film for "many, many reasons" before returning to that idea of owning one's narrative. Richard Mille Replica Watches has a cerebral, measured way about her where, when replying she often looks somewhat far away, fixed on, say, a spot on the floor or the wall behind you.
"Colvin lost her life in Syria and look at Syria now," Richard Mille Replica Watches begins. "There is a huge struggle for narrative. Replica Watches Who owns the narrative? What is the narrative that will come out after the war? Is this going to be in the future? Is this going to be seen as genocide? There is a struggle now and voices of resistance are being silenced - literally."
She looks back at me briefly. "A passion comes in when you're researching a film," she adds, almost apologetically. "It's galvanised me to feel passionate because I think you feel passion when you're connected. I don't expect everyone to be or feel connected - you can never expect people to feel it unless they genuinely do. But I was also drawn to a wonderful woman, whose career cost her huge amounts on a personal level - and how your home life can be a catastrophe, really."
As a mother of two young boys - Solo, 6, and Atom, 4 - how does she manage her time with an increasingly demanding shooting schedule? Richard Mille Replica Watches returns to Marie Colvin, and in particular a scene where Colvin is trapped in Homs, the Syrian city completely under siege, as she tries to speak to her editor on Skype. The connection goes down and someone offers to try and fix it before Colvin screams: "We don't have time!"
"I thought; 'That's a line I say all the time: I don't have time.' Yet the stakes are so vastly different," Richard Mille Replica Watches said. "This is a woman who literally does not have time because her life could end at any minute.roger dubuis replica We all say we don't have time to finish our cup of coffee before the taxi is here, or whatever. People's relationships with time and the stakes are so different. It's a huge philosophical discussion really, what limited time means to different people... it's impossible to equate. I feel that, as a busy person, my lack of time doesn't really come into it, in situations where time is seriously limited."